How to Upgrade Your Life Without Focusing on Your Pain or Problems


Heart iQ is what I call a "Transformational Technology". 

It's not about fixing your dysfunction or about focusing on your problems. 

It's an upgrade. 

What if what you think is broken and problematic, is actually you not having an 'imprint' of a healthy way of being? 

What if you were never given the imprint of what it means to be a man, a woman, a lover, a parent, an elder, or a leader?

What if you were never given a model of what life COULD be? What if, instead of being blessed with healthy imprints of what you can be, you were given a limited, conditioned and restricted version of what's truly possible?

Heart iQ is the transformational technology that offers you DIRECT, in-the-body imprints of upgraded ways of being, without needing to do therapy, or focus on your issues. 

Heart iQ is the technology to experience what we call, "The New Normal". 

Watch this video to discover more about Heart iQ and the Sacred Imprinting work we do, and why being in a group...

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