In this 5-day experience you will be guided to the deepest depths of your human experience while simultaneously expanding presence and awareness of both self, other, and the group.
With an increased capacity of awareness and access to your essential nature, we will travel into the mystery of the group heart field together using the power of Heart iQ Circle work. Watch the video to learn more.
In 5 days you can activate more of your potential than you could in a lifetime. It’s the benefit of being in an amplified field together with a tribe of courageous, loving & open Hearts.
This space is mostly unknown, we have no idea what will happen between us. And that’s exactly the place where we want to hang out… in this liminal space anything is possible as we set and hold a remarkably potent container where literally anything can happen.
We will travel through lifetimes, other worlds and realities, all in a ritualized space perfectly designed for the emergence of what wants to happen through and between us. It is a transformational multi-dimensional experience unlike any circle you have sat in before.
One of the effects of this space of surrendered leadership and primal permission is that you will begin to trust your intuition and your voice among others. Instead of waiting for the right moment or your own personal perfectionist you will be called and magically aligned to step into active participation and effortless flow as the current of the group heart calls us all into deeper levels of collective healing.
You’ll get to practice opening, not through psychological analysis, processing of your stories or digging up your past, but though exercises that connect you to your body, your life force and your vast depth of emotion and feeling.
In essence, you’ll be learning a language of love that goes way beyond the verbal expression most of us rely on. It is a language that connects us through a shared frequency of heart field, and when you have access to and become fluent in this language, you’ll have the key to unlock joy whenever you want.
The power available in emergent group heart fields is always a new unique flavor made up of the particular combination of those who attend. As we all tap into collective consciousness, openings appear that are beyond the thinking mind’s comprehension.
The apparent risk, and vulnerability alive in this space breeds a tenderness that can be so sacred and limitless it most resembles what we call: Soul Intimacy.
A template for the evolving human and what's possible in your connection with others.
Feel the pulsating goodness of your life-force energy.
Make lifelong connections with other bright, beautiful beings just like you!
Experience the beauty and aliveness of your heart.
Feel the joy and intimacy of your own body.
Space to express the longings of your wild, passionate heart.
Deepen in your capacity to open beyond the limited, contracted version of yourself.
A sense of homecoming and a return to an upgraded version of your life
Christian Pankhurst is a world leading expert in group dynamics, conscious communication, and the art of circle facilitation. Christian is a master conductor of the collective wisdom that emerges when resonant hearts come together, and his piercing clarity lovingly cuts through bullshit while he holds a space of unconditional love for what wants to emerge in the now.
Christian teaches how to tap into the power of the collective wisdom or 'field' so facilitators learn how to heal themselves and others simultaneously through a process that is embodied and joyful rather than heady and focused on solving problems.
Christian's unique capacity to translate complex group dynamics into simple, clear and practical insights is the reason why so many seek him out to get trained in the art of small and large group facilitation.
Christian started facilitating groups in 2002 after graduating as a Chiropractor from the AECC in the U.K. His speciality is using a group’s wisdom and energy to open up gateways of transformation that are simply not available in an individual or one-on-one practice.
In 2008, Christian entered and won the Britain's Next Top Coach Competition, receiving 52% of the votes from over 90 countries around the world. He is the best-selling author of Insights To Intimacy - Why Relationships Fail and How To Make Them Work, and is the co-founder of New Eden, a centre for those wishing to grow, co-create and awaken together in community.
"Utterly dedicated to every single participant in the room, watching Christian facilitate is a masterclass in itself. There is a beauty and depth to his work that is both subtle, but also practical. My nervous system has literally stretched beyond its original shape and I know this transformation is cellular. If you love witnessing your own metamorphosis from caterpillar through the mulch to a butterfly, this retreat will knock your socks off, blow your mind and re-wire your biology. I can’t recommend it highly enough or wait to go back for more!"
Embodied Intimacy is a partnership founded by Rachel Rickards and Buster Radvik that teaches workshops, seminars and retreats for thousands of people around the world.
The work asks participants to show up and reveal themselves authentically — to take risks in vulnerability and let others see you as you are.
Rachel Rickards is an adventurous spirit in the realms of love, sex and relationship. Her natural exuberance gives permission to others to explore their authentic selves in uncharted territory. Enthusiast by nature, she is gifted with a never ending energy for transformational work and the ease of play. One of Rachel’s greatest contributions to a space is how she is able to embody the feelings of an individual or group with such an acute awareness that one could almost observe her as the pure reflection of what is present in the field.
Rachel is a group facilitator, event producer, intimacy catalyst and creator of the Embodied Intimacy Summer Camp. In 2014 she co-founded Embodied Intimacy, a thriving community of people interested in building relational intelligence through hands-on relating and experience-based education.
Buster Rådvik’s dharma is being by example and leading with integrity. He literally wears his heart on his sleeve and has a reputation for pleasantly shocking an entire room with his candid emotional awareness and ability to reveal himself, transparently, no matter how awkward and messy it might look. His warm, open style gives permission for people to come home to themselves, embodied in an ecstatic atmosphere of vulnerability. Buster is an expert at somatically guiding people into their bodies, landing them safely into their heart, where vulnerable transparency is accessible and emotional intimacy becomes transformational.
All of Buster’s work including individual sessions, work with couples, and groups is focused on love, se.x, and intimacy. He draws his approach from a journey of over a decade of living in intentional communities, combined with his studies and practices of various body-centered disciplines of awakening. Busters gift lies in his eloquent execution and powerful ability to create a safe space for individuals and groups to fearlessly navigate their emotional bodies as the pathway to liberation.